Monday, August 06, 2007

Sex Crime (1984)

As another high profile celebrity, Chris Langham, is convicted of offences against children my mind drifted back to a previous case involving Pete Townsend of The Who.

I recall that in his defence Mr Townsend claimed that his credit card details turned up on a child pornography website due to research he was doing to assist the writing of his autobiography. Now this took place in 2002 and to my knowledge we are still awaiting publication of said book. Either Mr. Townsend is a slow writer or publishers have shown no interest in the manuscript. It couldn’t be anything else now could it?

Whilst I’m discussing celebrity crimes of a sexual nature my favourite is the case of Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman who was caught having a wank whilst “enjoying” a movie in an adult cinema. WTF else would he be doing there? It’s not like you watch a porn movie to marvel at the acting, the dialogue or even the soundtrack.

1 comment:

Naughti Biscotti said...

What I find hysterical is that Pee Wee's career shriveled up after he was caught with his pants down yet Eddie Murphy can pick up a pre-op transexual prostitute in West Hollywood, making the excuse that he was merely giving him/her a ride, and still keep his career intact.