Monday, September 04, 2006

Farewell Crocodile Man

As you are all no doubt aware the one and only Steve Irwin shuffled off this mortal coil this morning.
Whether you loved him or hated him you had to admire his enthusiasm for the subjects he covered.
I suppose that it was entirely fitting that he met his maker whilst pursuing his passion.
For me a great bloke, a top Aussie and further proof that only the good guys die young.


Naughti Biscotti said...

I had no idea he had died. It pretty much sucks that he went the way we all joked that he would. He was just so flip'n brave, passionate and downright nuts when it came to animals. You couldn't help but think, "One of these days..." I was hoping he would live to be a crazy OLD man and prove us all wrong.

Anonymous said...

He kind of made me squirm but made my other half laugh out loud. Either way - once seen, never forgotten.

Will have a Castlemaine XXXX and throw a shrimp on the barbie in his memory.

So long Mate!