Monday, August 28, 2006

Purely Medicinal

It seems that the Gods are smiling on our jakey (bum) friends this morning. According to the BBC a university is currently studying whether Cider has health benefits. The study is aimed at establishing whether drinking cider is the same as eating apples. You can see it now can't you? A bottle of "White Lightning" a day keeps the doctor away...erm! don't think so. A bottle of White Lightning is much more likely to make you fall over and soil yourself.

Now two things come to mind about this…

1. How the fuck did the university secure funding for such a dubious study?
2. If it proves to be true we should bow down and praise the lord then pray that similar findings follow for wine, vodka etc.

The full article can be read here

I particularly like the line in the article which states that “twelve volunteers had been recruited to participate in the study”.
In this city the poor bastards running the study are probably now receiving hospital treatment having been trampled in the stampede for places.

1 comment:

Colin Campbell said...

My grandfather drank cider at every opportunity and lived to 84 after surviving lung disease down the coal mine. My dad swore by cider vinegar every day. He is still alive, so it definitely has some benefits. Not a bad job if you can get it. Better than donating blood.