Monday, August 07, 2006


Five weeks today will see the 5th Anniversary of the most horrific act of terrorism that the world has ever seen.

Since that dreadful day when the twin towers went down we have witnessed further terrorist attacks across the globe. In the bloody roll call we can now add the names Moscow, Madrid, London, Mumbai, Beslan and many others to that of New York.

As tension continues to rise around the globe it is essential that we remember the past and try to learn lessons that will aid the future. For this reason I have signed up for the 2996 Project which aims to remember each and every one of the victims of 11 September 2001.

For me this is not a political venture it is simply a case of remembering the innocent victims of a heinous crime. After all it could have been you or I that day instead.

I have been allocated Alayne F. Gentul from Mountain Lakes, N.J. My only hope is that whatever I post on that day will do her justice. My initial assumption was that to undertake this task for a lady I never met, who resided in a country that I have never visited would be easy. However having now signed up I feel a tremendous amount of responsibility to complete the task in way which the people who did know her appreciate.

I understand that the campaign is still a little short of the numbers required. If you wish to contribute full details can be obtained at


Anonymous said...


I am sure the friends and family of Ms Gentul will appreciate anything that is done in her memory.

Carina said...

I signed up too, thought it was a nice idea.